Commercial Insuarnce...
Commercial insurance is a type of insurance policy designed to provide protection for businesses and the assets of those businesses. It covers a variety of risks, including property damage, legal liability, and employee-related risks. It can also provide protection against loss of income due to business interruption caused by natural disasters or other events.The insurance industry is constantly evolving. Insurance providers are forever trying to refine the balance between cost and coverage. As competition gets stronger, companies are working harder than ever to bring you the best protection at a price you can afford.
Why should you consider business insurance?
In 1992, 79-year-old Stella Liebeck bought a cup of coffee from her local McDonald’s drive-thru in Albuquerque. As she tried to remove the lid to add cream and sugar, the cup tipped over and poured scalding hot coffee onto her lap, leading to severe third-degree burns. Liebeck later took McDonald’s to court, where the judge ruled in Liebeck’s favor, determining that McDonald’s was irresponsibly overheating its coffee, and awarded Liebeck millions of dollars in punitive damages.
This famous case is also a great illustration of why companies need business insurance. While McDonald’s was able to absorb the cost of the settlement, any business of any size can take a hard hit if faced with a lawsuit. And companies can be held liable for all kinds of incidents, including property damage, car accidents, or an injured employee. These things happen—and business insurance can help protect your company.Your family will always come first; you wouldn`t want them to have to bear the financial burden of your last days. No matter what your age, it`s always good to have a plan as to how you intend to cover these costs. Final expense insurance will pay for your funeral service and other associated costs.
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